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Explore The Many Words With "Pla, Ple, Pli, Plo, Plu" In Relaxed Spanish

6 Atividades com PLA, PLE, PLI, PLO, PLU para Imprimir Online Cursos
6 Atividades com PLA, PLE, PLI, PLO, PLU para Imprimir Online Cursos from onlinecursosgratuitos.com

Spanish is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions of people around the world. It is known for its melodious sounds and unique vocabulary. In this article, we will learn about words that contain "pla, ple, pli, plo, plu" and their meanings. These words can help you expand your Spanish vocabulary and communicate more effectively with native speakers.


The word "pla" is a common suffix in Spanish that is used to form nouns. It is often used to describe flat or level surfaces. For example, "planicie" means plain or flatland, "plato" means plate or dish, and "plancha" means iron or flatiron.

Another common use of "pla" is in words that describe the act of flattening or smoothing. For example, "aplacar" means to appease or pacify, "aplazar" means to postpone or delay, and "aplomar" means to plumb or straighten.


The word "ple" is another common suffix in Spanish that is used to form nouns. It is often used to describe a state or condition. For example, "felicidad" means happiness, "amabilidad" means kindness, and "sencillez" means simplicity.

Another common use of "ple" is in words that describe the act of filling or satisfying. For example, "complacer" means to please or satisfy, "emplear" means to employ or use, and "repleto" means full or stuffed.


The word "pli" is a less common suffix in Spanish, but it is still used in some words. It is often used to describe the act of folding or bending. For example, "duplicar" means to duplicate or fold, "emplumar" means to feather or fluff, and "acoplar" means to couple or attach.


The word "plo" is another less common suffix in Spanish, but it still appears in some words. It is often used to describe the act of striking or hitting. For example, "desplomar" means to collapse or fall suddenly, "repliegue" means fold or crease, and "displasia" means abnormality or malformation.


The word "plu" is the least common suffix in Spanish, but it is still used in some words. It is often used to describe the act of raining or pouring. For example, "pluvial" means relating to rain, "pluviómetro" means rain gauge, and "plutónico" means plutonic or relating to the underworld.

Examples of words with "Pla, Ple, Pli, Plo, Plu"

Here are some more examples of words that contain "pla, ple, pli, plo, plu" and their meanings:

  • Placer - pleasure or delight
  • Complejo - complex or complicated
  • Empalmar - to join or connect
  • Desplante - defiance or boldness
  • Plumón - down or feather
  • Implorar - to implore or beg
  • Plenitud - fullness or completeness
  • Explorar - to explore or investigate
  • Plomada - plumb line or weight
  • Implicar - to implicate or involve
  • Plurilingüe - multilingual
  • Complaciente - complacent or accommodating
  • Plumifero - feathered or downy
  • Desplazamiento - displacement or movement
  • Plutocracia - plutocracy or rule by the wealthy


Learning new words is an important part of mastering any language. By expanding your vocabulary with words that contain "pla, ple, pli, plo, plu," you can improve your communication skills and better understand Spanish speakers. So, keep practicing and learning new words!

¡Hasta la próxima!

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